Showing posts with label Road Dahl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Road Dahl. Show all posts

Monday, August 4, 2014

Books into movies!

It seems like every other day a kids or teen book is made into a movie!  But, of course, some are left out.  Here are Wellesley's rising 6th graders' takes on what books they wish would be made into movies!

Andrew2014 would like to see "The Twits by Roald Dahl because I would like to see if the movie producer changes the story line in any way and the book is already really funny so I would like to see if the movie plot line is more or less funny."

Henry2014 would like to see I Represent Sean Rosen by Jeff Baron "because it would be great to see Sean pretending to be his own manager and trying to get his movie made."

Bob123 says "The book The Saturday Boy [by David Fleming]should be made into a movie because it is really funny and you never know what will happen. Also, some parts will be heart touching and emotional just like real life."

Pennywar would like to see "The Grimm Conclusion by Adam Gidwitz because the author described things so well I had a whole "movie" playing in my head.  If there was a movie, I could compare my version with the real one."

What do you think?  What book do you think should be made into a movie?